Kala Bamboo Ukuleles: Kala’s New Eco-Friendly Ukulele Line

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Kala has always been an industry leader, constantly staying ahead of the curve with new and innovative options for ukulele players.

That’s why we’re giddy about the release of their new eco-friendly Kala bamboo ukuleles!

Kala Bamboo Ukuleles: Eco-Friendly with Bright Tone

Players are drawn to the ukulele for a variety of reasons—from its compact size and ease of playing to the affordability and versatility as both a practice instrument and one that you can take on stage to perform.

In recent years, however, there has been concern over endangered woods from which many traditional ukuleles are made, such as rosewood and koa. Bamboo provides an eco-friendly alternative with great sound and nearly unlimited resources.

Kala bamboo ukuleles are made to sound great, and they are available in concert, tenor, and soprano sizes.

Some players have commented on the tone, which is crisp and clear, though you might want to consider using a low G string to balance the bright tones.

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The new Kala Bamboo Concert Ukulele is made of eco-friendly bamboo and has a captivating bright tone

Why Should You Consider Kala’s New Bamboo Ukuleles?

Bamboo is common and plentiful. It is not endangered like some traditional ukulele woods like rosewood and available all over the world, unlike koa.

Woods like rosewood are in such high demand that the material has become endangered, while bamboo can be grown and regrown quite easily. It sometimes can even be invasive in many areas.

There are also some questions about whether commercially-made ukuleles should be made with more available materials so that traditional woods like koa can be reserved for local craftsmanship.

Bamboo is a lightweight and readily renewable material, making it a great choice for musical instruments like ukuleles.

With over 15 years of industry experience, Kala knows how to produce high-quality instruments.They have a for being exceptionally affordable, but also durable and reliable—a winning combination for beginners.

The Bamboo line-up has all the makings of another industry best-seller, especially with its attractive price point of under $200 for all three models.

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The Kala Bamboo Tenor Ukulele mellows out the bright tone but retains crispness.

The 3 New Models in the Kala Bamboo Line-Up

Kala Bamboo Ukuleles are available in concert, tenor, and soprano sizes. All of these models are acoustic only, but they may just be the first options in a long line of both acoustic and electric bamboo ukuleles.

The concert ukulele is the most common choice for beginners, but players of all experience levels can find a bamboo ukulele that is just right for them. The Kala Bamboo Concert Ukulele has a 24” scale length. The Concert model’s tone is fairly bright, but could be better balanced by a low G string.

The Kala Bamboo Tenor Ukulele boasts the same natural finish as the Concert model. The Tenor model has a 26” scale length. The Bamboo Tenor Ukulele’s tone is much more moderate in its brightness but has enough clarity to cut through in small venues.

The Kala Bamboo Soprano Ukulele model’s scale length is 22”. The Bamboo Soprano Ukulele’s tone is bright and chiming, which would make it an attractive option for kids and folk music.

Comparison Chart

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Kala Bamboo Concert Ukulele
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Kala Bamboo Soprano Ukulele
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Kala Bamboo Tenor Ukulele

Why Ukuleles are More Popular than Ever

The ukulele has always been a fun and friendly niche in the musical world. However, it’s now become even more accessible for both players and audiences alike.

To start with, the ukulele’s affordability and ease of playing has made it an ideal instrument for beginners. Ukulele chords are much easier to play than guitar chords, and the ukulele is also a much smaller instrument, making it more comfortable for players who are just starting out.

Ukuleles are also easier to transport. You can easily fit one in a car or even a backpack, making them a great choice for musicians who travel often. Another reason ukuleles are more popular than ever is their versatility.

While ukuleles are often associated with Hawaiian music, they are also great for jazz, folk, bluegrass, and much more.

Another plus is the ukulele’s ability to create a pleasant, mellow tone that resonates well in small venues like coffee shops and bars.

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The Kala Bamboo Soprano Ukulele cheerful, bright tone would be great for camp sing-a-longs

Final Thoughts

Kala Bamboo Ukuleles are the best affordable guitar for beginners thanks to their high-quality construction, ease of use, and rich, warm tone. They have been specially designed for beginners, with easy-to-reach frets, a short scale length, and low-tension strings.

Now, with their eco-friendly bamboo construction, Kala’s bamboo ukuleles promise to bring positive change to the uke community.

Kala Bamboo Ukuleles: Kala's New Ukulele Line
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